Tag Archives: kids

The Family Dinner Love-Fest

The Family Dinner Love-Fest

What’s love got to do with it? Everything. Here’s a wonderful way of getting the kids (and parents) to share the love and their feelings.

Kids Don’t Care!

Kids Don’t Care!

Tired? Stressed? Trying to work while on holiday? Your kids don’t care – and nor should they, writes Hollywood writer and “parenting poet” Sandy Dean.

Hollywood Copywriter Turns Stark Raving Dad

Hollywood Copywriter Turns Stark Raving Dad

Hollywood writer Sanderson Dean has turned his creative talents to a humorous illustrated (by his kids) poetry book on parenting, ‘Stark Raving Dad: Poems for the Frazzled Parent in All of Us’.

The End of the Day

The End of the Day

It’s not until the end of the day, once his kids are down, that stay-at-home dad and writer Andrew Knott realises just how much “living” his kids do each day.


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