Six Dad-Themed Kids’ Books For Father’s Day
It’s Father’s Day in Australia this Sunday, and, in Victoria at least, we’ll spend it no differently than we’ve spent every other Sunday since March – at home.
The Dad Website have partnered with Puffin Books to ensure the dads in all our lives are celebrated through the age-old father-kid bonding experience of reading.
So happy Father’s Day, brothers. Enjoy a beer and barbie on Sunday, and maybe snap up these dad-championing kids’ books online (or physically from shop; we can’t keep up with what’s open any more).
Bluey: My Dad is Awesome Bluey
Bluey has become a global phenomenon since Disney Junior launched it in October 2019 and Bandit, father of the show’s namesake, is pivotal to its appeal. Bandit depicts a top-notch modern dad, calmly navigating day-to-day drudgery with an infusion of playfulness, and Australia’s Canine Father of the Year 2019 is celebrated in this fun book.
My Dad Snores John Williamson and Peter Carnavas
Penned by one of Australia’s most iconic singer-songwriters, this is a hilarious, true-blue singalong book from the Mallee Boy. Featuring exquisite visuals from primary teacher-illustrator Peter Carnavas, My Dad Snores is fun for the whole family.
My Dad is Fantastic Roald Dahl
The legendary children’s author lost his father when he was only three, but went on to have five kids of his own. Dahl believed that making children’s lives exciting, interesting and magical was a key trait of good parenting. He’s covered dads good and bad across his vast, often quirky catalogue, including this read-aloud rhyming book celebrating all dads – from their most FANTASTIC moments to their most magnificent WHIZZPOPS!
Spot Loves His Dad Eric Hill
Spot has lit up toddlers’ eyes all over the world for four decades now. The fun-loving puppy has busy and colourful life, from playing sport and cooking to schooling and visiting the musuem – and he’s clearly well-loved. This enchanting little book spotlights the love of a father and son, and the precious time they spend together.
I Love Dad With The Very Hungry Caterpillar Eric Carle
The Very Hungry Caterpillar has captivated kids all over the world for more than 50 years, selling over 50 million copies and being translated into 70 languages. Eric Carle’s vibrant collage style and simple, cut-through messaging has shone through in many Hungry Caterpillar spin-offs – including this gorgous little gift book that says “I Love You, Dad” in a typically aesthetically-pleasing way.
Peppa Pig: My Daddy Ladybird
Daddy Pig is like a cartoon version of Clark Griswold: his big-hearted efforts often end in disaster. But his kids love him just the way he is, as illustrated in this cute, “it’s-a-bit-funny” book made for Daddy Pigs across Australia to hunker down with their kids and read a few thousand times.