Tag Archives: fatherhood

Special Teddy

Special Teddy

Some toys are more special than others. For Daniel Lewis’ first daughter, a teddy bear gifted on her turbulent first day has led to an enduring bed-time bond.

Banana Bread: The SAHD Staple

Banana Bread: The SAHD Staple

Ah, banana bread: it’s the stay-at-home-dad staple. Here’s an easy, delicious and genuinely “best ever” recipe for you and the kids to make.

Expectation vs. Reality

Expectation vs. Reality

Sometimes family life isn’t what you expect. Chris Summerfield shares his unexpected tale of a roller-derby-loving daughter and David Attenborough-quoting son.

Mr Obsolete

Mr Obsolete

At some point your kids will stop believing in Santa, but does this apply to dads too? Raph Tripp explains why he feels as invisible as the man in the red suit.

Listen Up, Kids!

Listen Up, Kids!

When the kids won’t listen who can you turn to for advice? The Supernanny (Or one of her sidekicks).


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