“The nurses made an unforgivable mistake: They handed you to me and said go home…” So writes YouTuber Luke Brown in this first video to his baby daughter.

“The nurses made an unforgivable mistake: They handed you to me and said go home…” So writes YouTuber Luke Brown in this first video to his baby daughter.
In this Heart Talk, one dad implores his girls to choose wisely in love… and in music.
Mum of three Sujana Wilson shares 15 life lessons she never wants her kids to forget.
Single dad John McElhenney opens up to his teenage daughter about how his biggest fears were realised after agreeing to her mother’s request for a divorce.
Fergus Donaldson reflects on the iconic 1980s flick whose overriding message – that sometimes it’s OK to not know what you’re doing – still rings true today.
‘The Dad Letters’ founder Ralph Amsden expresses hope that his sons can learn to thrive in the face of disappointment.
In this Heart Talk, Ryan Eland of The Dad Letters tells his daughter about “the jarring transition” of work to home, and how he’s resolved to ensure his daily meetings with her are his most important.
In this Heart Talk, author Chad Bockius tells his kids why and how the words they use can impact not only themselves but others.
In this Heart Talk, David Willans tells his young son to carve his own path to happiness.
Daniel Lewis reflects on the highs of his recent marathon and tells his daughters that the first rule to marathon running – pacing yourself – should be applied to life in general.