Twin telepathy is a concept shrouded in doubt, but Liverpudlian dads Andrew and Mark Ellis put forward a strong case for its existence.

Twin telepathy is a concept shrouded in doubt, but Liverpudlian dads Andrew and Mark Ellis put forward a strong case for its existence.
Cricket isn’t American expat Michael Finke’s ‘Trump’ card. Can he correct his son’s bowling action before his first game of Milo Cricket?
Christopher Askey wastes not a word in this unique telling of his fatherhood experience.
What does a rookie dad do when his barely-speaking toddler starts not only dropping the f-bomb, but in context?
Do others’ Facebook ‘highlights’ packages inflame your day-to-day parenting struggles? Check out Melbourne dad Jason Cook’s story.
Steve Brennan: father, runner, and wearer of many other hats besides.
These dads of Melbourne’s inner-west know what’s important… and the monthly beer-and-parma nights at the local are pretty good, too.
Daniel Lewis reveals how a simple pub transaction rammed home just how much he is his father’s son.
Can a beanbag symbolise the chasm between 1970s-dads and the modern dad?