The Price is Right
Shopping with kids can go one of two ways. Horribly and disastrously. Or disastrously and horribly.
Tantrums, vanishing kids and painful games of hide and seek through racks of pristine clothing all contribute to this nightmare.
This epic showcase of peace, tranquility and less than three people in a changeroom could be yours if the price is right.
Short of never leaving the house, here’s a game that just might help to distract the kids on your next ‘this is boring’ shopping trip.
It’s simple and it will buy you some respite from the chaos.
Just pick a piece of clothing (or whatever the store happens to sell) and without looking at the price-tag you guess the price. The kids then have to guess whether the actual price is higher or lower. Get it right, get a point.
When little minds begin to wander, it’s another good one to have in your bag of distractions along with your bribes, threats and exasperated sighs!